Boroughs and partners

London Borough of Camden

Local community involvement

Turtles Nursery
London Borough of Camden

Our story

Today we visited two local businesses in Covent Garden that are very close to our nursery, Tesco and Timpson. Tesco shared their concerns regarding traffic and road safety- These were the following:Store is located on a way one way street so is hard to park their delivery lorry, The pavement is very narrow so when unloading deliveries they often are a hazard to pedestrians , There are lots of cyclist that travel in both directions so this can be dangerous for the customers. Timpson shared their concerns regarding traffic and road safety - These were the following:Lots of cyclist that cycle on the pavement outside the shop- Very dangerous, They have traffic lights opposite on a main road that do not have a long enough timer to cross and here are too many road works at one time that cause traffic and an increase in pollution. 


Dates of activity
08/04/2024 - 08/04/2024
Number of participants


  • Consultation

This activity counts towards:

  • Consultation