Boroughs and partners

London Borough of Redbridge

The Big Walk and Wheel

Treehouse Nursery School
London Borough of Redbridge

Our story

We shared information surrounding the Big walk and Wheel with parents via our famly app, inluding information about the Sustrans charity and how they could get involved. We had a lot of parent involvement and feedback from parents expressing how excited their children were to take part in this activity. The children were confident to express how they had travelled to school and were able to share this with their class. 

We provided those that took part and shared information about taking part, with certificates thanking and congratulating them on their participation and dedication. 

We also shared regular updates with pictures of children walking, riding and striding to school. 


Dates of activity
27/03/2024 - 31/03/2024
Number of participants
Story owner
Staff member


  • Scooting
  • Cycling

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity