London Borough of Southwark

Dulwich Prep London

Bronze accredited

Walking trips

Dulwich Prep London
London Borough of Southwark

Our story

The school operates a number of history and geography field trips which involve walking, as do a number of the residential trips. Each trip will have a specific risk assessment which will consider the risks associated with the walk planned.

Examples of residential trips this academic year incorporating walking include:

- Year 8 trip to Snowdon - incorporates a walk up Mount Snowdon

- Year 7 trip to Pembrokeshire - incorporates a coastal walk

- Year 8 trip to Sorrento - incorporated a walk up Mount Vesuvius

An example of a local walking trip is the Year 4 Dulwich Walk which took place in May. Attached is a copy of the route.


Dates of activity
01/09/2017 - 17/06/2018
Number of participants


  • Walking

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity