London Borough of Southwark

Dulwich Prep London

Bronze accredited

Other curriculum activity Yr 7 Design & Technology

Dulwich Prep London
London Borough of Southwark

Our story

As part of the Design & Technology curriculum in Year 7, the boys attended a talk by Jaguar Landrover, which presented on the transport of the future at the V&A.

Below is a summary of the talk, which considered the needs and desires of the future user, including environmental impact.

Understanding the importance of lateral thinking to innovation

- Implementing interdisciplinary working: how can skills be transferred across industries
- Delivering user centred design for passengers, operators and maintenance
- Anticipating the needs and desires of the future user
- Recognising the demands of tomorrow’s cities: industrial design with a sense of place
- Design for ageing demographics

The boys then worked to develop their own designs.


Dates of activity
01/09/2017 - 23/03/2018
Number of participants


  • Curriculum

This activity counts towards:

  • Curriculum