London Borough of Southwark

Dulwich Prep London

Bronze accredited

Staff involvement in active travel

Dulwich Prep London
London Borough of Southwark

Our story

Dulwich Prep London engages its staff in the Travel Plan and travel issues in a number of ways: (1) A member of SMT, Phillip Topham, has been appointed to lead the Travel Plan. He has engaged the SMT. This is evidenced by the SMT raising travel matters with Phil. His leadership is clear. (2) The School Travel Working Group consists of members of staff representing all areas of the school - teaching and non- teaching. (3) Staff survey. Phillip Topham sent the survey via email to all staff in May. His email to staff made it clear that the School Travel Plan influences a number of important aspects of school life, including the impact that travel has on local residents.(4) Staff Travel Board: Phillip Topham has created a travel notice board in the Staff Room. The notice board clearly messages to staff what its purpose is and currently shows information about Clean Air Day (last week).


Dates of activity
01/09/2017 - 25/06/2018
Number of participants


  • Consultation

This activity counts towards:

  • Consultation