London Borough of Barnet

Cromer Road Primary School

Gold accredited

School active travel & linked policies

Cromer Road Primary School
London Borough of Barnet

Our story

We have a number of policies that link to school travel.

Our Working with Parents & Carers Policy (updated Jan 2017) details all the ways in which the school will inform and seek involvment by Parents and Carers.

Our School Journeys and Visits Policy (updated March 2017) detaisl various ways and means in which school trips are made, including by coach, Public Transport, walking and by car.

Our School Active Travel Polciy is new this year (May 2017) and focuses on the schools commitment to promote safe sustainable travel within the school community.


Dates of activity
01/09/2016 - 28/07/2017


  • Consultation

This activity counts towards:

  • Consultation