London Borough of Ealing

Greenfields Nursery School and Children's Centre

Silver accredited

Walk to School Week

Greenfields Nursery School and Children's Centre
London Borough of Ealing

Our story

All staff, children and parents participated in Walk to school Week.  It was promoted in the newsletter, on the website, via parentmail and talking to parents at the front door as they come in and out of the centre.  It was promoted with staff via daily briefings, notices in staff room and update emails.  All staff, children and families participated in some way by either walking or using park and stride.  Some children that were coming in buggies began to walk instead and have continued to walk since.  The staff made a really good effort to walk across the week and on Thursday the car park was locked to encourage all staff to walk.  Children were given badges and bookmarks during the week to encourage continued involvement and an update was included on the website.  Surveys were carried out in the mornings on arrival and children carried out their own surveys in the classroom.


Dates of activity
16/05/2022 - 20/05/2022
Number of participants


  • Walking

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity