London Borough of Ealing

Greenfields Nursery School and Children's Centre

Silver accredited

Small World Road Safety Play

Greenfields Nursery School and Children's Centre
London Borough of Ealing

Our story

The children in the over three's had been engaged in small world play with the cars and trains all week, this had been built up each day with adding train tracks and road tracks, a garage, a floor map, people and finally road signs.  the children engaged in conversation about the road signs and connected this to what they see when they are out and about.  Rashard looked at the roadworks sign and said 'I had one of these on my road and I couldn't come out, I had to go the other way.'  'I use the zebra crossing when I come to nursery and I look left and right' said Zena.


Dates of activity
28/04/2022 - 28/04/2022
Number of participants


  • Road safety

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity