London Borough of Ealing

Blair Peach Primary School

Working towards accreditation

Road safety talks

Blair Peach Primary School
London Borough of Ealing

Our story

During Road Safety Week Jags from Berkely Homes volunteered to come into school with his lorry and give a lesson and demonstration on how dangerous it is to be walking, cycling or scooting around large vehicles. He intended to give his talk to the Nursery and Reception children. However, after consultation with the JTAs it was decided that the children who needed the talks the most were the year 4 and 5s as the school had noticed some unsafe road usage in these year groups. Parents had reported dangerous cycling on the way to school by some pupils. The highlight was when some children were asked to sit in the cab and then say when the children around the lorry were not visible. It had a great impact on all the children. Ms Lockwood spoke to the children who had been reported for dangerous cycling to ensure they understood the issues and is happy to report thet they had received the message clearly.


Dates of activity
21/11/2018 - 21/11/2018
Number of participants


  • Road safety

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity