London Borough of Newham

Maryland Primary School

Gold accredited

Walking Bears

Maryland Primary School
London Borough of Newham

Our story

I got to take the bear home. It was my turn. My mummy helped me to take care of the bear and to write down what I did and what I wanted to say. It was fun taking the bear home. I have wanted it to be my turn for a very look time. I did a picture of me and my family walking with the bear. My teacher has a book with pictures and drawings of us with the bear.The bear is called Alfie and he is great. We watched the royal wedding and we had lunch together and he had a nap and he walked to school with me.  When you take Alfie home you get to tell all the other children in the class what you did and they look and listen to you. I can't wait until it is my turn again.


Dates of activity
02/03/2018 - 21/05/2018
Number of participants


  • Walking

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity