London Borough of Croydon

Gonville Academy

Other curriculum activity

Gonville Academy
London Borough of Croydon

Our story

eception had a great visit from the Norbury Fire Brigade on Tuesday. Our topic for the past 2 weeks has been Safe and Sound and we have been learning all about people in our community who help to keep us safe and protected. They bought their fire engine and protective clothing to show the children. The firefighters talked through all their kit and answered all of the children's questions such as: what do fire fighters do other than put out fires; how long is your ladder and; can we hear the siren? All the children had a turn sitting inside a real fire engine and we even had a chance to try on some of their special boots and trousers!


Dates of activity
23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023
Number of participants


  • Curriculum

This activity counts towards:

  • Curriculum