London Borough of Havering

Redden Court School

Bronze accredited

School Streets

Redden Court School
London Borough of Havering

Our story

Redden Court School is based in residential area which leads on a busy main road. With the school's expansion the area outside of school at the end of day was becoming increasingly busier. This meant that we had more parents collecting their child in cars and a safeguarding risks with our stduents leaving school. 

We appraoched the LA about joining the school streets scheme to help with the congestion out side. After consulting with staff, parents and the local community we were successful in having the scheme implemented. Since September 2023 we have seen a vast improvement at the end of the school day and our community are choosing to use other modes of transport to get to school and home. 


Dates of activity
02/05/2022 - 02/05/2022
Number of participants


  • Road safety
  • Consultation
  • Funding
  • Partnership

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity
  • Consultation
  • Funding
  • Partnerships