London Borough of Waltham Forest

Thomas Gamuel Primary School

Bronze accredited

Pedestrian skills training

Thomas Gamuel Primary School
London Borough of Waltham Forest

Our story

Delivered by For2Feet and funded by Waltham Forest Council Thomas Gamuel Primary School y took part in Pedestrian Training skills. The?training has been specially developed to provide children with the knowledge and skills necessary for independent journeys. Our children finished?their training safer, smarter and more confident! 

Evidence Note - Funded and facilitated by Waltham Forest Council and a third party partner so no images are taken, evidence is an invoice from For2Feet to WF Council and the link to For2Feets website. Attendance can be verified by Borough Officer. 


Dates of activity
20/02/2023 - 20/02/2023


  • Road safety

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity