London Borough of Tower Hamlets

John Scurr Primary School

Bronze accredited

Bike maintenance skills

Bike maintenance skills

About this activity

Suitable for primary and secondary school pupils.

Bike maintenance sessions provide practical skills to help your school community keep their bikes roadworthy.

Lisise with a bike mechanic or a knowledgeable member of staff to hold hands-on sessions allowing pupils to gain a better understanding with the mechanics of how a bike works and allow them to ask questions, gaining knowledge and skills.

Sessions can cover the basics of making sure your bike is safe to use with an ABC (air, brakes, chain) check, through to repairing punctures, putting a chain back on, and more advanced bike mechanics. 

What you'll need

  • Basic tools and puncture repair equipment. A hired mechanic may be able to bring these
  • Designated space in the school grounds, ideally with shelter
  • Bike mechanic(s) to provide expert knowledge and guidance (or a knowledgeable member of staff)
  • Budget for a bike mechanic

Liaise with your borough travel planning officer as they  may have resourses and ideas.


Activity steps

Liaise with your borough travel planning officer who may recommend a bike mechanic or a local cycle shop. Engage with a bike specialist/staff to hold the session & set a date.
Spread the word about the bike maintenance skills session in your school's newsletter, on notice boards, website and in assemblies
Pupil feedback on the session, was it helpful, what was learnt or was there any challenges. What practical skills did they develop and what else would they like to learn?
Tell your story
Sign in to your Travel for Life account to add your story and include pupil feedback. Detail the activity, add photos, any posters and promotional materials. Provide feedback to your borough officer.


  • Cycling

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity

How it helps

  • Develops practical life skills
  • Builds cycling confidence
  • Gateway to other cycling initiatives


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity