London Borough of Barnet

Frith Manor Primary School

Walk once a Week

Walk once a Week

About this activity

Suitable for primary school pupils. Supports PE and PSHE and Citizenship National Curriculum.

WOW is a year-round walking challenge run by the charity Living Streets. It encourages pupils and parents to walk, scoot or cycle to school one day each week, rewarding pupils with a badge if they do so four times over a month.  

WOW is adaptable to the needs of your school and is supported by a range of classroom resources including the interactive WOW Travel Tracker which uses whiteboard technology to record how pupils travel to school each day. Alternatively you can use a simple wallchart to mark down how they travel. 

Show your class the WOW video explaining the benefits of the scheme to get them excited about taking part.

Pupils from schools participating in WOW also have the chance to take part in Living Streets’ annual badge design competition. The competition takes place every spring around a new theme and your borough officer will be in touch to provide further information once the competition is live.  

What you’ll need

  • WOW badges
  • Wallchart or WOW Travel Tracker subscription

You can buy the above directly from the Living Streets’ online shop and speak to your borough officer about the best way to implement the scheme.


Activity steps

Visit Living Streets
Go to the Living Streets website (see Resources) to get started
The WOW effect
Get your pupils excited to take part by showing them the WOW video (see Resources)
Shout about it!
Promote WOW on your website, in your school's newsletters and on notice boards to get your school community involved
Track your pupils' travel
Set up a wallchart in your class to record how your pupils are travelling to school
Reward the class
Find a fun way to reward pupils that are most active - you could ask your pupils to design badges or medals for their class mates
Check for success
Ask your pupils for their feedback - has WOW made them walk to school more regularly? If not, what's stopping them?
Tell your story
Sign in to STARS to add your story and include pupils’ feedback. Explain the activity and add photos and any posters or promotional materials. Feedback to your borough officer


  • Walking

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity

How it helps

  • Supports PE and PSHE National Curriculum
  • Encourages road safety and awareness


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity