London Borough of Barnet

Frith Manor Primary School

Walking bears

Walking bears

About this activity

Suitable for reception class children (EYFS) and Key Stage 1. Supports the English and PE curriculum.

The walking bears activity introduces road safety messages and encourages children to think about how they travel to school.

Children take turns to have the walking bear for a night over the course of a school term. They then draw a picture or write about their journey in the walking bear journal and share their story with the class. Ask parents/carers to share a photo of their child and the walking bear to contribute to your class’ walking bear gallery.

Celebrate your class’ achievements by presenting them with a walking bear certificate.

If your pupils enjoy this activity, you could also try weekend walkies.

This activity works well used alongside the Children’s Travel Club London resources.

What you'll need

  • Teddy bears (you could ask for donations from staff, parents/carers or local businesses)
  • A wall chart to show who is taking the bear home when
  • Enough journal sheets for all your pupils

Resources contributed by LB Haringey and LB Croydon.

Activity steps

Get bear prepared
Ask your borough officer about funding to purchase bear toys or ask for donations. You'll need one per class taking part. You’ll also need a wall chart to show who will take the bear home
Launch the activity
Introduce the walking bear to your class and explain what they need to do. Ask them to think about what they see on their journey to school and how they stay safe
Share the fun
Each time a pupil brings the walking bear back, ask them to draw or write about their journey on a journal sheet and share their experience with the class
Create a class gallery
Ask parents/carers to send in a photo of their child with the walking bear and add it to the class gallery
Tell your story
Sign in to STARS to add your story and include pupils’ feedback. Explain the activity and add photos. Feedback to your borough officer


  • Walking

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity

How it helps

  • Supports the English and PE curriculum
  • Increases awareness of local environment


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity