London Borough of Barnet

Dwight School London

Working towards accreditation

ACTIVE 10 - Brisk Walk Challenge

ACTIVE 10 - Brisk Walk Challenge

About this activity

Suitable for all schools.  Supports the PE National Curriculum.

TfL Travel for Life  have partnered with the Department of Health and Social Care to promote the Active 10 campaign -  challenging all Londoners to a participate in a briskly walk for 10 minutes, twice a daily, enabling tracking of progress via the NHS Active 10 Walking Tracker.

The walk to and from school is a great opportunity to get adults and kids involved and to encoperate walking into their daily routine. Parents can leave the car at home and either walk all the way, take public transport and walk part of the way or Park and Stride - driving part of the way and walking the rest. Parents and older students can download the app to monitor how  many minutes of brisk walking they complete daily.

Get in touch with the PHE School Zone via email at [email protected] and/or on the website -  where further information, guidance and resources are provided.

Alternatively you can download the app and get involved as a class by walking briskly for 10 minutes during break times or as part of physical education.

Activity steps

Decide the level of involvement you would like
Engage with your School travel working group, involve the community as well as pupils, staff parents/carers. Contact your Borough Travel Planning Officer.
Download resources
Download/request, resources, such as, posters and leaflets making this available to all. Engage these with pupils, parents/carers with the help of a wall chart and/or make walking a competition
Record the feedback from students, parents/carers and teachers
Tell your story
Sign in to TFL Travel for Life website to add your story and include student feedback. Explain the activity in detail and add photos, posters and promotional materials. Provide feedback to your Borough Travel Planning Officer.


  • Walking

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity

How it helps

  • Supports the PE National Curriculum
  • Reduces congestion at schools gates
  • Engages the wider community
  • Promotes a healthier lifestyle


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity