London Borough of Barnet

Dwight School London

Working towards accreditation

Air Quality competition

Air Quality competition

About this activity

Suitable for primary and secondary school pupils. Supports the Geography and Art and Design National Curriculum.

TFL Travel for Life Air Quality competition is to support with raising awareness of London's air pollution & to support with identifying ways we can all help with improving air quality.

This is an opportunity for puplis to put forward innovative ideas on how the school community can improve air quality and a creative opportunity for them to produce a top-tips leaflet and/or poster to showcase these ideas.

This competition can be introduced/promoted to the wider school community by advertising in newsletters and/or the school's website, bringing a wider audience together in raising awareness and supporting the cause of the general improvement in air quality, encouraging action and change.

Entries can be announced in an asembely as well as the winner, they can also be featured in a newletter and on the website. 

Use the cleaner air toolkit and top tips sheet to support with introducing the Air Quality Competition.


Activity steps

Preparing & Launch
Advertise the competition to support with pupil preparation. Launch the competition and work with your TFL Travel for Life Explorer/TFL Travel for Life Pioneer Ambassador.
Involve your Borough Travel Planning Officer
Engage with you Borough Travel Planning Officer to discuss. Further ideas and/or funding may be offered.
Celebrate entries/involvement
Celebrate pupil engagement, choosing runner ups & a winner, announcing this via an assembly, newsletter & school website. Displaying entries & targeting a wider school audience.
Share your story
Sign into your TFL Travel for Life account & add your story with the inclusion of pupil feedback. Detail the activity, add evidence such as, photos, posters & promotional materials. Provide feedback to you Borough Travel Planning Officer


  • Curriculum

This activity counts towards:

  • Curriculum

How it helps

  • Supports the Geography and Art National Curriculum
  • Raises awareness of Air Quality


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity