London Borough of Ealing

Blair Peach Primary School

Working towards accreditation

Working with other schools

Working with other schools

About this activity

Suitable for all schools and nurseries.

Work with other schools or nurseries to exchange information, ideas and resources and team-up on events and activities throughout your TfL Travel for Life journey. This will help you to build stronger relationships with local schools and highlight the importance of active travel to a wider audience.

Ideas for working with other schools

  • Organise a walk or cycle to school competition together and award a trophy to the winning school each year – like a local derby!
  • Host a networking meeting to share ideas (your borough officer may be able to help with this)

Ideas for working with feeder schools

Working with your feeder schools can help ensure that new pupils arrive in September excited and already engaged with TfL Travel for Life. 

  • Ask your Pioneers Ambassadors to deliver a presentation to Year 6 pupils about travelling actively and independently to their new secondary school
  • Organise for your Explorers Ambassadors or a group of enthusiastic pupils to visit a local nursery school to perform a road safety assembly

How to evidence your activity

  • Involve your borough officer: Share your ideas, agree your targets and discuss any challenges you face
  • Record the feedback from other schools you work with and your colleagues and pupils who’ve been part of the partnership
  • Sign in to TfL Travel for Life to add your story. Explain your activity, add any communications between the two schools and photos of joint events and activities

Activity steps

Reach out
Speak to your borough officer and senior leadership to discuss opportunities for working with other local schools
Get organised
Make contact with other schools/your feeder schools and discuss how you can work together on active travel events and promotion
Pupil power
Involve your Ambassadors or school travel working group to help plan and promote events and activities
Celebrate success
Share your joint success by writing an update for your school newsletter, website or the local press
Tell your story
Add your story to the TfL Travel for Life website and feedback to your borough officer


  • Partnership

This activity counts towards:

  • Partnerships

How it helps

  • Encourages community involvement
  • Encourages interaction with other pupils


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity