London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

St James's Roman Catholic Primary School

Bike Week

Bike Week

About this activity

Suitable for the whole school community. Supports the PE National Curriculum

NB: We’re bringing together all the TfL education programmes, including STARS, under one exciting new umbrella programme called TfL Travel for Life. They will be the same great programmes, but with a new name and a new look, easier online process and dedicated support team. STARS for primary schools will be renamed TfL Explorers. STARS for secondary schools will be renamed TfL Pioneers.

Bike Week is an annual opportunity to promote cycling at your school. Add your event to the official website so that the local community can find out about what you’re doing and get involved, too. The kind of activity you run during this week is up to you, so long as it encourages safe, sustainable cycling.  

Most Bike Week events take place within the official event week in June - this year it takes place from 10th - 16th June 2024. However, you can register events on the site all year round.

Here are some ideas for events your school could register for Bike Week:

  • Sponsored cycle-to-school week: Work with your TfL Explorer Ambassadors (EA)to set up a sponsored event
  • Bikers' breakfast: Reward cyclist with a healthy breakfast
  • Dr Bike: Work with your local bike shop or bike recycling centre to provide a  bike health check session at your school  
  • Cycling trip: Organise a biking excursion with your cycle club, class or at the weekend with your pupils and their families

Work with your TfL EA and school travel working group to decide on and plan activities for during the week.

Find out more on the Bike Week website.

Activity steps

Get together a team or work with your TfL EA and school travel working group to decide which cycle activities you'd like to run within school. Think about what you could do to involve the wider school community
Register or complete the online forms
Add your event(s) to the Bike Week website (see Resources) and gather all the resources you need to get started from the Sustrans 'Bike to School Week' website.
Check out the promotional materials available to promote your activities in assemblies, newsletters, on the website and on posters around the school
During the week
Keep track of how many people take part in the events. You can use a bike count sheet (see Resources) to find out if more pupils and staff cycle that week
Check for success
Ask pupils and colleague how they found the week. Did it encourage them to try cycling to school? What could you do to improve the activities next time?
Tell your story
Sign in to TfL Travel for Life website to add your story and include pupils’ feedback. Explain the activity and add photos and any posters or promotional materials. Feedback to your borough officer


  • Cycling

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity

How it helps

  • Supports the PE National Curriculum
  • Encourages daily active travel
  • Gateway to other cycling initiatives