London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

St James's Roman Catholic Primary School

Attend a TfL or borough school travel event

Attend a TfL or borough school travel event

About this activity

Suitable for all nurseries, primary and secondary schools.

Transport for London (TfL) events:

TfL holds annual seminars across the Capital to celebrate nurseries’ and schools’ commitment to active and safer travel, along with sharing innovative ideas to progress their school’s travel activities.

You and your pupils can attend these fun, interactive seminars during the Autumn Term each year. On the day you will have the chance to focus on your nursery or school’s key travel issues or behaviour you’d like to improve, and identify suitable activities to encourage positive change in these areas.  

Borough workshops and events:

Your borough may also hold events to celebrate your successes and workshops to help plan your activities for the year. Look out for invitations from your Borough Travel Planning Officer.

How to evidence your activity

  • Engage with your borough Travel Planning Officer: Share your ideas, agree objectives and discuss any challenges you face
  • Record the feedback from pupils and staff. Take pictures of staff and pupils engaging during the seminar or workshop you attend
  • Sign in to your TFL Travel for Life account to add your story. Add photos from the day, include pictures of the exercises you completed and resources you used at the event, and your pupils’ feedback

Activity steps

Sign up
Once you receive an invitation to the event, reserve your place online. Please book early to avoid as places are on a first come first served basis
Place confirmed - organise travel arrangements for your pupils and staff. Please contact the School Travel Party team (see Resources) if you require any assistance
Download the event information and resources you receive and complete any pre-work as required
The Event
Enjoy & Engage. Share your experiences with other schools/boroughs and equally you may get ideas from other schools/boroughs. Please take pictures.
Share your experience
Include your school community on your experience and share ideas/knowledge gained. This can be via an assembly, your travel notice board and/or by writing an article in your newsletter/website.
Take Action
Commit to actions and/or planning a particular activity at the event, take steps to put your plans into action
Tell your story
Add your story to the Travel for Life website and always keep your Borough Travel Planning Officer updated.


  • Public transport
  • Partnership

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity
  • Partnerships

How it helps

  • Supports all STARS travel activities
  • Opportunity for JTA/YTA involvement


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity