London Borough of Southwark

Dulwich Wood Primary School

Working towards accreditation

School travel working group

Dulwich Wood Primary School
London Borough of Southwark

Our story

In 2014 Polly Twisk introduced us to the Safer Routes group (see Welcome email) since then I (DHT/STP champion) have been in regualr contact with Polly to keep up to date with new intiatives, find out about changes to road layouts and how they might affect people walking or riding to Dulwich Wood, she has also been the link person to ensure we partciapte in local events and activities to promote sustatinable travel. Dan, is a Parent from Dulwich Wood Primary, he has  very strong views about road safety and is part of our working group. Next year we plan to expand this group to include our School Keeper, our Forest School Leader, our Office manger and the Chair of the Parents Assocation to have a biggger, more represenative, effective and dynamic working group.


Dates of activity
13/05/2016 - 20/07/2018
Number of participants


  • Consultation

This activity counts towards:

  • Consultation