London Borough of Barnet

Cromer Road Primary School

Gold accredited

School travel working group

Cromer Road Primary School
London Borough of Barnet

Our story

This year the JTA's have been set up to help to promote active travel in school and work towards the school travel plan. They have completed parent questionnaires, set up competitions and made posters to promote active travel to school. The headteacher Mrs Stone is also very supportive in our aim to obtain the silver award in sustainable travel. She keeps parents regularly updated with news on our projects and allocates time for us to meet to discuss any issues or developments. We also have full support from the governing body, with one parent governor (Mrs K. Staton) attending a School Travel plan workshop run by Ann Hardy which she then feedback to at a governors meeting. Other governors are now really keen on what they can do to help and I am due to meet with them in the Summer Term to discuss what we can do next. 


Dates of activity
10/01/2017 - 14/03/2017
Number of participants


  • Consultation

This activity counts towards:

  • Consultation