London Borough of Barnet

Cromer Road Primary School

Gold accredited

Parent involvement monthly headteacher meeting

Cromer Road Primary School
London Borough of Barnet

Our story

At Cromer Road we listen to what parents have to say. The school values parents ideas and contributions. Every month the Headteacher holds a meeting – open to all – where parents are invited to bring their ideas, thoughts and any concerns to the school. If parents can’t get to the meeting the Parent Voice will raise it for you. They then feed back to the class to ensure constant communication. The Parent Voice meetings are usually on the second Friday of the month. 

On Friday 14th Oct 2016 parents raised issues over the 'Collection of children from after-school activities' and the impact of recent school trips. On Friday 13th Jan 2017 parents raised concerns over 'Cars parking on yellow lines outside school'.


Dates of activity
07/10/2016 - 07/07/2017


  • Consultation

This activity counts towards:

  • Consultation