London Borough of Barnet

All Saints' CofE Primary School NW2

Gold accredited

Junior Travel Ambassador (JTA) Scheme

All Saints' CofE Primary School NW2
London Borough of Barnet

Our story

The School JTA's help the school STP champion to collect data and hand out the Wow badges as well as judging competitions, choosing the weekly winner of the golden lock. The had a huge job recording all the school scores for this year’s Big Pedal event. They also have charge of the school stars notice board and changing the information regularly. They are currently up skilling 2 year 5 pupils who will be taking over their role next year. As JTA's they have attended the Stars training day.


Dates of activity
11/09/2017 - 17/04/2018
Number of participants


  • Walking
  • Scooting
  • Cycling
  • Public transport
  • Smarter driving
  • Independent travel
  • Road safety

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity