London Borough of Croydon

Beaumont Primary School

Communicating with parents/carers

Beaumont Primary School
London Borough of Croydon

Our story

Using Walk to School Week (21st - 25th May) as a motivator, leaflets were sent home to all parents/carers on 14th May encouraging them to walk to school during the following week's Walk to School Week promotion (see attached evidence).  Posters were also put up in the school, including the Staffroom, and the playground to bring the promotion to the attention of pupils and their families.  The staff member responsible for co-ordinating the JTAs used them to spread the word.  Class teachers will use the KS1 and KS2 Living Street packs ordered via the Local Authority to further put the message across.  WTSW was also promoted in a newsletter being sent home to each family on 18th May - see attached evidence.


Dates of activity
14/05/2018 - 25/05/2018
Number of participants


  • Promotion

This activity counts towards:

  • Promotion