London Borough of Ealing

Berrymede Junior School

Silver accredited

Communicating with parents/carers - DOJO

Berrymede Junior School
London Borough of Ealing

Our story

S - empower the teachers to help spread active travel messages to the parents of thier pupils

T - for teachers to upload any useful information onto the platform so that parents are kept informed and can make good travel decisions. It has been used throughout the year

A - individual teachers upload information, photos and remind parents about using active travel instead of the car. SLT also update class DOJO but it is the teachers responsibilty to keep reminding parents. 

R - participation rates in active travel events this year and knowledge of our school street are higher among the community than in previous years. Pupils are reminding parent to look at class DOJO to make sure they know what is going on. 


Dates of activity
03/09/2020 - 22/07/2021
Number of participants


  • Promotion

This activity counts towards:

  • Promotion