London Borough of Ealing

Hobbayne Primary School

Working towards accreditation

Autumn Active Travel Challenge

Hobbayne Primary School
London Borough of Ealing

Our story

S - Participated in the 10-Day Active Travel Challenge

T - Children were encouraged to walk, scoot, cycle or park and stride all or part of their journey to school.

A - Newsletter to parents was sent home about the challenge and it was also mentioned in the school's weekly newsletter. The challenge was also mentioned in staff briefing and in assembly. 

R - The children participated really well and enjoyed getting their bookmarks stampeed or ticked. The staff also participated by helping to keeping record of the children that participated.   


Dates of activity
01/11/2022 - 15/11/2022
Number of participants


  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Independent travel

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity