London Borough of Ealing

Blair Peach Primary School

Working towards accreditation

School travel working group

Blair Peach Primary School
London Borough of Ealing

Our story

There was a meeting in September of the previous year's JTAs. It was decided at the meeting that we needed a bigger travel group as the current group would not be able to cope with all of the duties that they would need to carry out throughout the year. It was decided that as there were going to be prefects elected for the first time in year 6 we could allocate some of the travel duties to the newly elected prefects. It was also decided that we needed more teachers on board so Mr Gil would be sent an invitation as he is connected with Health and Safety. It was also noted that we would have to work closely with Mr Barrett, the senior teacher in year 6 and Ms Keeling who is in charge of children's rights. We created a list of duties that would need to be carried out by the JTAs, the Junior Traffic Wardens and the Cycle monitors. Invitations were sent to Mr Gil, who accepted and also the year 6 students.


Dates of activity
11/09/2018 - 19/07/2019
Number of participants


  • Consultation

This activity counts towards:

  • Consultation