London Borough of Ealing

Blair Peach Primary School

Working towards accreditation

Be Bright Be Seen stall

Blair Peach Primary School
London Borough of Ealing

Our story

When we attended the JTA fun day we were given a pack of reflectors. As we are really focussing on Road Safety thie year the JTAs decided that they wanted to set up a reflector shop so that those children walking, cycling and scooting to school will be seen by car drivers in the dark mornings of winter. The school business managerr was approached and we were given an allowance to buy more. The Travel Team decided on which reflectors would be the most popular and we sent off an order. We then decided on a sale date, put up posters, informed the teachers and sent home letters to the parents. Two reflector shops were held, one each for KS1 and KS2. It was so popular we sold out and the parents asked if we could have another which we did. We used the money raised to buy more reflectors to use as prizes and we also donated money to Brake.


Dates of activity
09/11/2018 - 12/11/2018
Number of participants


  • Road safety

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity