London Borough of Newham

Maryland Primary School

Gold accredited

ACTIVE 10 - Brisk Walk Challenge

Maryland Primary School
London Borough of Newham

Our story

The teachers have informed the JTAs that the children are often tired and not used to walking for long durations. The JTAs came up with a campaign and involved the Senior Leadership Team and together during assemblies, social media, posters and word of mouth the children became aware of the need to be more prepared. It was decided that the hook would be the teacher thinking about a landmark and facts connected to it. The Monument challenge is a four-week challenge to get children walking in a fun way. The teachers have been encouraging the children to walk briskly during PE lessons and to walk briskly during break times. It has been a whole-school approach to get children walking.


Dates of activity
13/01/2020 - 28/02/2020
Number of participants


  • Walking

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity