London Borough of Lambeth

St Bede's Catholic Infant School

Balance bike training

Balance bike training

About this activity

Suitable for early years and Key Stage 1 pupils. Supports the PE National Curriculum.

Balance bike training allows pupils to start developing their cycling skills. These bikes are light and easy to handle so children need little assitance using them this supports with confidence building before moving on to a pedal bike.

You'll find lots of information and ideas for running balance bike training in TfL's Get Cycling curriculum resource booklet. It includes a teachers' checklist for training sessions and the equipment you'll need as well as six practical session plans and 10 classroom activities to support them. 

Find out about funding for pool bikes and scooters which can support this activity and speak to your borough officer for guidance.

Activity contributed by Sustrans.

Activity steps

Essential resources
Download and look through the Get Cycling booklet and watch the videos (see Resources) to help plan your balance bike training sessions
Safety first
Make sure you have permission for each individual to be involved and have completed any risk assessments. Liaise with your borough travel planning officer.
Get biking!
Have fun using the balance bikes in the playground allowing the children to develop their skills. Seek pupil feedback & experience. Monitor confidence levels, if this has improved or what else might add to supporting these skills.
Tell your story
Sign in to Travel for Life account to add your story. Detail the activity, including pupil feedback and add photos, posters & promotional materials. Provide feedback to your Borough Travel Planning Officer.


  • Cycling

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity

How it helps

  • Supports the PE National Curriculum
  • Pre-step to cycling
  • Encourages exploration of personal capabilities


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity