London Borough of Barnet

Frith Manor Primary School

Setting targets

Setting targets

About this activity

Essential for all TfL Travel For Life schools and nurseries

NB: We’re bringing together all the TfL education programmes, including STARS, under one exciting new umbrella programme called TfL Travel for Life. They will be the same great programmes but with a new name and a new look, easier online process and dedicated support team. STARS for primary schools will be renamed TfL Explorers. STARS for secondary schools will be renamed TfL Pioneers

Setting targets is an important part of your TfL Travel For Life journey. Once you have completed your hands-up survey and discussed the results with your school travel working group you will be able to set your targets. Look at how pupils and staff would prefer to travel: is there potential for change towards more active modes? Think about what you would like to see improved at your school.

In order to achieve accreditation, you must set at least two targets each year. Ensure that your targets are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-related). We recommend that:

·       One target aims to achieve modal shift away from car use

·       The second should have a focus on sustainable or safer travel. For example, a target to improve the number of pupils cycling to school or to increase car sharing amongst staff

Setting targets will help you to focus your TfL Travel For Life work and select activities to do at your school. Once you have set your targets, your borough officer may be able to suggest travel activities and supporting activities to help you achieve them.

How to evidence your activity

  • Involve your borough officer: Share your ideas, agree your objectives and discuss any challenges you face
  • Sign in to TfL Travel For Life to add your targets. Set at least two targets a year and any evidence on which they are based. Also include any specific activities you have chosen to help you achieve them

Please note: You do not need to complete the ‘Tell your story’ page, this page is for guidance only.

Activity steps

Identify your targets
Work with your school travel working group, borough officer and senior management team to identify two suitable targets for your school
Make it official
Sign in to your TfL Travel For Life account and visit the Targets and Issues tab to add your targets
Get active
Choose, plan and run the activities to achieve your school’s active travel targets throughout the year
Check for success
At the end of the year look back and see if you have met your targets. Celebrate success and hold a session to talk about what worked well and where you can improve next year
Update your target to ‘Achieved’ On website
Revisit your targets and tell us how you did on TfL Travel For Life Online

How it helps

  • Supports all TfL Travel For Life travel activities
  • Promotes active travel at leadership level


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity