London Borough of Newham

Maryland Primary School

Gold accredited

Walking bus

Walking bus

About this activity

Suitable for primary school pupils and their parents/carers. Supports EYFS and PE National Curriculum.

Walking buses are a sociable and active way to travel to school. They allow pupils to learn about their local environment while reducing congestion and pollution at the school gates.

Pupils and volunteers meet at an agreed time and location and walk a set route to school in a group, picking up ‘passengers’ along the way. The same is done in reverse for the walk home.

While the walking bus can be initiated and supported by the school, it works best when run informally by parent and carer volunteers. You can gather interest and support the group to identify the most suitable meeting points and safest routes.   

This activity can be linked with route planning and Park and Stride

You can also involve your Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTA) in planning the routes and meeting points. Use TfL’s journey planning app or try to help plan your routes.

What you’ll need

  • A group of organised parents/carers to coordinate the walking bus(es)
  • Hi-vis jackets or badges to make volunteers easily recognisable and stand out during the darker months
  • Promotion of walking buses on your school notice board(s) and in newsletters


Activity steps

Recruit volunteers
Promote the idea of a walking bus on notice boards or in your newsletter and see who is able to volunteer to get the bus up and running
Gather your group
Offer a classroom or other meeting space for the group to meet one another and start planning
Test the route
First walk the route without pupils, then invite families who live nearby to join the walking bus
Start simple
Start with a small bus and see how it goes. You can then gradually introduce more routes on more days with more pupils on board!
Share stories
Ask pupils to share their walking bus stories in class and assemblies. This will help to promote the idea and get more families involved
Tell your story
Sign in to STARS to add your story and include pupils’ feedback. Explain the activity and add photos, maps and risk assessments and any posters or promotional materials. Feedback to your borough officer


  • Walking

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity

How it helps

  • Supports EYFS and PE National Curriculum
  • Eases congestion at schools gates
  • Opportunity for JTA involvement


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity