London Borough of Hackney

The Brooke House Sixth Form College

Other curriculum activity

Other curriculum activity

About this activity

Suitable for all schools and nurseries.

We know that your schools and nurseries are creative places and your pupils, staff and communities are bursting with ideas of how to get young London moving!

This is your chance to share your school’s innovative ideas that you’ve developed to support curriculum work, things that are different to anything else already listed on the Travel for Life website and an opportunity to be creative.

Work with your Borough Travel Planning Officer, the TFL Exporer/Pioneer/Navigator Ambassador, your school travel working group and colleagues to introduce elements of active, safer and sustainable travel into your curriculum work to influence your school community’s travel behaviours.

Include pupils in devising creative, innovative ideas, such as, tasking your history class to explore how Victorian inventions revolutionised travel in London or asking your art or graphic design class to come up with a new way to present the London underground map?

Tell your story now! 

How to evidence your activity

  • Involve your Borough Travel Planning Officer, sharing ideas & discussing objectives. This is an an opportunity to also discuss challenges.
  • Involve pupils, promoting active travel in asembleys, classrooms, newletters etc. Enabling pupils to consider how they could travel more sustainably & increasing awareness about our public transport system.
  • Record the impact of your activity. Promotion, Actions, Outcome - evidencing pictures, resources used & pupil feedback.
  • Sign in to your Travel for Life account to add your story providing detailed information & evidence.

Good Luck!

Activity steps

Identify the travel issue or behaviour that requires change. Discuss your ideas with your head teacher, colleagues and borough travel planning officer.
Working together
Work with your school travel working group, borough travel planning officer and the TFL explorer/pioneer/navigator ambassadors. Work with your pupils & the wider school audience.
Promote your activity to ensure a biggest impact possible! Take photos and write an article to include in the school’s newsletter and/or website.
Check for success
Identify what impact has your activity had on your pupils awareness of active travel & record their feedback. Ensure to observe.
Tell your story
Add your story your TFL Travel for Life account, detailing activity, uploading photos, resources used & feedback to your borough travel planning officer.


  • Curriculum

This activity counts towards:

  • Curriculum

How it helps

  • Promotes positive travel behaviours
  • Can be linked with curriculum subjects