London Borough of Ealing

Ark Soane Academy

Car-free zone

Car-free zone

About this activity

Suitable for all nurseries and schools.

Create a car-free zone around your school for a healthier and safer environment for pupils and staff.  

A car-free zone is an area in which parents/carers are not permitted to drop off their children. This could be a 100 metre radius around the school gates, for example. It encourages active travel and improves Air Quality around the school.

Work with your school travel working group to plan the implementation and maintenance of the car-free zone. This activity could work well alongside Park and Stride.

To maintain the effectiveness of the zone, promote it to the parents/carers of each new intake of pupils at your school.  

What you’ll need

  • Support from parents/carers and staff to keep a car-free zone around the school gates
  • Promotional materials to promote the car-free zone and show its boundaries such as a large map in your school reception or handouts

How to evidence your activity

  • Involve your borough officer: Share your ideas, agree your targets and discuss any challenges you face
  • Record the feedback from your pupils, parents, staff and neighbours. Note the any changes in congestion around the school
  • Add your story to the STARS website. Explain the activity, include your pupils’ feedback and some photographs – for example, before and after shots taken at the same time on a Monday morning – to show the difference the zone has made. Also add any posters and letters you produced

Activity steps

Get planning
With your school travel working group plan your car-free zone. Discuss your ideas with your borough officer and ask for their input
Know your numbers
Do a hands-up survey to find out how many pupils travel to school by car
Involve the SMT
Discuss your plans to create a car-free zone with senior management and ask for their support
Parent power
Consult with parents/carers and your school's neighbours to ask for their feedback on different options. Hold an information evening to explain the plans and answer their questions
Promote the zone
Make a map of the new car-free zone showing areas for parents to park if they need to drive. Ask pupils to design banners or leaflets to promote it
Go car free!
Put your car-free zone into place. Have staff visible outside the school to remind parents and hand out maps
Monitor progress
Ask members of staff to patrol the car-free zone during the first few weeks and speak to any parents/carers dropping off their children within the designated area
Check for success
Re-do your hands up survey and check your targets to see the impact of the car-free zone
Tell your story
Add your story to the STARS website and feedback to your borough officer. Share your success with parents and neighbours


  • Smarter driving

This activity counts towards:

  • Travel activity

How it helps

  • Eases congestion at school gates
  • Improves Air Quality around schools
  • Promotes positive travel behaviours


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity