London Borough of Barnet

Menorah Primary School for Boys

Local authority funding

Local authority funding

About this activity

Suitable for all nurseries and schools.

NB: We’re bringing together all the TfL education programmes, including STARS, under one exciting new umbrella programme called TfL Travel for Life. They will be the same great programmes, but with a new name and a new look, easier online process and dedicated support team. STARS for primary schools will be renamed TfL Explorers. STARS for secondary schools will be renamed TfL Pioneers.

Apply for local authority funding to help finance an active travel project.

Depending on your school’s borough, grants may be available to support your work to encourage your pupils, their families and your colleagues to travel more actively, or to fund road safety and cleaner air projects.

Speak to your borough officer to find out if there is any funding available locally for your school.

Work with your school travel working group on project ideas and the funding application.

How to evidence your activity

  • Keep a record of how you made your funding request and how the money received will support your active travel targets
  • Sign in to TfL Travel for Life to add your story. Explain what funding you applied for and include your proposal, if you produced one. Also include any risk assessment documents

Activity steps

Contact your borough officer
Speak to your borough officer about the active travel project you have in mind and find out if they know of local authority funding available to you
Follow the application process carefully and take note of any important deadlines. Make sure you highlight the active travel benefits you hope the funded project will bring, such as more pupils cycling to school
Share your success
If your funding request is successful, shout about it in the school’s newsletter or on the website, and promote the event or resource the money will support
Tell your story
Feedback to your borough officer and add your story to the TfL Travel for Life website


  • Funding

This activity counts towards:

  • Funding

How it helps

  • Supports active travel projects
  • Helps to promote active travel at leadership level


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity