London Borough of Southwark

Crampton Primary

Gold accredited

Staff involvement in active travel

Staff involvement in active travel

About this activity

Suitable for all staff.

NB: We’re bringing together all the TfL education programmes, including STARS, under one exciting new umbrella programme called TfL Travel for Life. They will be the same great programmes, but with a new name and a new look, easier online process and dedicated support team. STARS for primary schools will be renamed TfL Explorers. STARS for secondary schools will be renamed TfL Pioneers.

Staff play a key role in promoting TfL Travel For Life and supporting pupils to learn about safe and sustainable travel. Consult with members of staff to help strengthen relationships and highlight the work the school is carrying out towards TfL Travel For Life accreditation.

To involve other staff members in TfL Travel For Life you could:

  • Ask staff to speak to pupils about the physical and environmental benefits of active travel (see the Teaching environmental benefits of active travel card)
  • Invite staff to join your school travel working group
  • Encourage them to set a good example by walking and cycling to school where possible
  • Conduct a survey: See how your colleagues would like to travel to school, how you could support them in travelling more actively and where they feel the school’s strengths and weaknesses are in term of active travel. Download our staff survey template for help getting started
  • Promote car sharing: Display an information and journey match-up sheet in the staff room to make it easier to get involved
  • Run a staff pedometer challenge 
  • Ask your colleagues to run a travel activity. Perhaps you have a keen cyclist who could help run a bike maintenance session, or a walking-enthusiast who could organise a weekend excursion?

How to evidence your activity

  • Involve your borough officer: Share your ideas, agree your targets and discuss any challenges you face
  • Record the feedback from your staff
  • Sign in to TfL Travel For Life to add your story. Explain the activity, add photos of staff getting involved and include copies of any surveys or consultation results

Activity steps

Hands up for active travel
Do a hands up survey with staff and add your results to the TfL Travel For Life website
Promote STARS
Tell staff about what TfL Travel For Life is and its benefits. You could present the scheme in a staff meeting to show them the website, explain the different activities available and outline your targets for the year ahead
What do they think?
Ask staff what they think the key travel issues are at your school and how to improve the situations (see survey template in Resources)
Shout about opportunities
Promote active travel events to staff, ask for volunteers to help, invite them to join your school travel working group and ask for their ideas for future events
Check for success
At the end of term or the school year speak to your colleagues about progress made and areas for focus. Remember to celebrate staff who’ve made a big contribution to improving active travel!
Tell your story
Add your story to the TfL Travel For Life website and feedback to your borough officer


  • Consultation

This activity counts towards:

  • Consultation

How it helps

  • Promotes positive travel behaviors
  • Encourages whole school participation


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity