London Borough of Havering

Elm Park Primary School

Gold accredited

Local community involvement

Local community involvement

About this activity

Suitable for all schools and nurseries.

NB: We’re bringing together all the TfL education programmes, including STARS, under one exciting new umbrella programme called TfL Travel for Life. They will be the same great programmes, but with a new name and a new look, easier online process and dedicated support team. STARS for primary schools will be renamed TfL Explorers. STARS for secondary schools will be renamed TfL Pioneers.

Make local residents and businesses aware of your TfL Travel for Life activities and the work you are doing to promote safe and active travel and ask them to get involved. This can help to enhance local relationships and could provide some useful connections to support your work towards accreditation.

To communicate with your local community and involve them with your TfL Travel for Life work you could:

  • Carry out a residents’ survey to find out which travel issues affect your local community, assess the impact and discover potential solutions. Download our adaptable local community survey template for help getting started
  • Connect with local residents or neighbourhood watch groups who may be willing to offer advice or support. Perhaps they could get involved in improvements to public spaces to make sustainable travel to school more attractive
  • Ask local residents or businesses if they can contribute to events through donating equipment or unwanted bicycles (find ideas for more funding ideas)
  • Invite neighbours to join your school travel working group to represent local residents or businesses
  • Share your good work by sending copies of your school's travel newsletters, asking them to join you e-newsletter list or connecting with them on social media



Activity steps

What do they think?
With your TfL Explorers Ambassadors or school travel working group, plan how you’d like to find out what transport issues affect your local community
Once you’ve collected information from your local community, plan your next steps – how will you respond to the issues you’ve identified? How can you work to resolve the problem?
Spread the word
Share what you’ve been working on with the wider school community via your school website and newsletter to raise awareness of your TfL Travel for Life work
Measure success
Ask the local community again about the travel issue you identified to find out whether you have successfully resolved the problem and what could be further improved
Tell your story
Sign in to TfL Travel for Life to add your story and include pupils’ feedback. Explain the activity and add photos and any posters or promotional materials. Feedback to your borough officer


  • Consultation

This activity counts towards:

  • Consultation

How it helps

  • Encourages community involvement
  • Leads to gold accreditation


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity