London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

St James's Roman Catholic Primary School

Active Travel Art Competition 2023

Active Travel Art Competition 2023

About this activity

Suitable for all schools. Supports the Art and Design National Curriculum.

There are lots of hidden places/spaces in London which can be found by exploring. Takng the initiave to walk, cycle or scoot to school not only promotes health & welbeing but also can uncover new scenery, can support buiding relationships by meeting new people and on the journey you may see the magic of spoting some wildlife.

This is also an exciting opportunity to promote Active Travel by having a school campaign & competition. Promoting active travel to and from school & allowing this to be fun & creative can support in change.

To participate, please ask puplis to enage in active travel & to create a poster which can celebrate the fun/experiences they had along the way!

This competition can be run on a class or whole school basis and can coincide with Walk to School Week.

Posters can be displayed around the school for puplis and parents/carers to see, this can also benefit by promoting & encouraging active travel choices and change.

Advertisements can be placed in newletters to encourage participation and to support pupils with getting innovative ideas as well as to buid excitment of the competition.

A suggestion could be to print the winner & picture in the newlsetter as well as holding an assembly to announce the winner.

Good luck! And we at TFL Travel for Life are excited to see your stories!

Activity steps

Choose how you would like to be involved
Involve your School travel working group. Engage your school, pupils, parents/carers and staff. Liaise with you Borough Travel Planning Officer & keep them updated.
Advertise & Launch the competition
Advertise in newsletters & discuss in assembly with an end date. Provide examples to promote ideas & creativity.
Celebrate the entries & winners
Display entries in school. Announce the winners in an assembly & newsletter. Promote the benefits of active travel.
Sharing with the wider community
Share your pupils experiences, posters & the winner with the wider school community in your newsletters and on your website to promote active travel & road safety.
Feedback from pupils
Discuss the activity with pupils & find out how their experience was including any faced challenges & what they enjoyed. Discuss key messages that they gained from the activity.
Tell your story with evidence
Sign into the TFL Travel for Life website & add your story and include pupils’ feedback. Provide a detailed explanation of the activity & add photos, posters and promotional materials. Provide feedback to your Borough Travel Planning Officer.


  • Curriculum

This activity counts towards:

  • Curriculum

How it helps

  • Supports the Art and Design National Curriculum
  • Introduces key active travel messages


Useful links, templates and case studies to support this activity