London Borough of Havering

Sacred Heart of Mary Girls' School

Communicating with parents/carers

Communicating with parents/carers

About this activity

Suitable for all schools and nurseries.

NB: We’re bringing together all the TfL education programmes, including STARS, under one exciting new umbrella programme called TfL Travel for Life. They will be the same great programmes, but with a new name and a new look, easier online process and dedicated support team. STARS for primary schools will be renamed TfL Explorers. STARS for secondary schools will be renamed TfL Pioneers.

Parents and carers play a key role in influencing how children travel - both to school and in their spare time. It is therefore very important to engage parents and carers in your nursery or school’s travel policies and campaigns throughout children's time with you.

Encourage prospective, new and existing parents and carers to speak to children about the benefits of active travel to their health and wellbeing. Ask them to make decisions together around how they get to school in the most safe and sustainable way. 

For future and new pupils’ parents/carers you could:

  • Include information about travel policies and campaigns in your school’s prospectus
  • Talk to parents and carers at open evenings about your school or nursery’s travel policies and ask your TfL Explorers Ambassadors to present their experiences of active travel and its importance

For current pupils’ parents/carers you could:

How to evidence your activity

  • Record any feedback from parents and carers
  • Sign in to Tfl Travel for Life to tell your story. Explain your activity and include feedback from parents and carers, any promotional materials you produced, links to webpages and copies of newsletters

Activity steps

Promotion planning
What do you want new or existing parents and carers to know?
Involve your TfL Explorers Ambassadors
Get pupils involved in planning and designing promotional materials or writing articles and blogs
Spread the word
Regularly update parents and carers with your TfL Travel for Life news and celebrate the success of active travel projects through your school’s newsletter and website
Tell your story
Add you story to the TfL Travel for Life website and feedback to your borough officer


  • Promotion

This activity counts towards:

  • Promotion

How it helps

  • Encourages parental participation
  • Promotes positive travel behaviours